About the Center of Engineering Mathematics
The purpose of the establishment of the Center of Engineering Mathematics (abbreviation as ‘ the Center’) is that Kunming University of Science and Technology wants to make a contribution to both the school itself and to the society, especially the southwest districts of China. Kunming University of Science and Technology praise highly about Academician Shing-Tung Yau’s significant contribution to mathematics and science, so the University has invited Academician Yau together to accelerate the development of its technology and education, to benefit the southwest Chinese districts as well. The University hopes that this Center can provide an opportunity to cultivate talents and raise academically international profile.
Director : Prof. Shing-Tung Yau
Vice Director: Prof. Hua Wang
Prof. Jianhong Yi
Prof. Ailing Gong
Executive Officer: Prof. Youwei Wen
Important Dates
7.18-7.21 The 3-D Geometry/Imaging Conference (3DGIC)
7.22 The Opening Ceremony of the Engineering and Mathematics Center
7.21-7.29 Group Actions and Applications in Geometry, Topology and Analyse (GAAGTA)
8.20-8.24 Mirror Symmetry and Related Topics (MSRT)